馃毃Nimbus Platform (Scam) 馃毃Actualmente se encuentra bloqueada tras el robo de las inversiones de los Clientes por David Mazaheri, Andrea Zanon, Patricio Pozzi, Waseem Mamlouk, Jorge Sebastiao, Alex Lemberg y Fernando Martinho
Bloomberg. Alex Lemberg, CEO of Nimbus Platform, talks about DeFi, cities looking to become crypto hubs, and long term crypto investments

Markets, Fixed Income, And Crypto Investments
Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and Chief Strategist at Quill Intelligence, LLC, discusses markets and inflation as the Fed looks to hike interest rates this year. David Dietze, Managing Principal and Senior Portfolio Manager at Gladstone Bank, discusses markets, investing, and gives his 2022 market outlook.
RJ Gallo, Senior Portfolio Manager: Fixed Income and Head of the Municipal Bond Group at Federated Hermes, discusses the bond markets, Fed tapering, and gives his investment outlook for 2022.

Alex Lemberg, CEO of Nimbus Platform, talks about DeFi, cities looking to become crypto hubs, and long term crypto investments. Hosted by Paul Sweeney and Matt Miller.
馃帣Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2022-01-19/markets-fixed-income-and-crypto-investments-podcast
Nimbus CEO, Alex Lemberg. Welcome speech
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Nimbus Launches First Yield Generator NFT
馃寧 Nimbus Platform DeFi Media: Articles about Nimbus Platform in the main communication media of the world
Nimbus Platform DeFi: https://nimbusplatform.io/
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