🚨Nimbus Platform (Scam) 🚨Actualmente se encuentra bloqueada tras el robo de las inversiones de los Clientes por David Mazaheri, Andrea Zanon, Patricio Pozzi, Waseem Mamlouk, Jorge Sebastiao, Alex Lemberg y Fernando Martinho

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken the cryptocurrency world by storm. The market capitalization for NFTs has already exceeded $7 billion and is set to grow exponentially from here. Anything digital can be an NFT. Common examples include drawings, screenshots, music, and domain names. In fact, the first tweet by Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, sold for nearly $3 million.
In addition to art, NFTs can also involve music. Many musicians are now turning to NFTs in order to protect the copyrights of their work and ensure they keep more of their well-earned profit rather than having their songs shared for free all across the internet.
https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FJ8VpB8Nalbw%3Ffeature%3Doembed&display_name=YouTube&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJ8VpB8Nalbw&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FJ8VpB8Nalbw%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtubeFirs Yield Generating NFT — Nimbus Platform DeFi
These are just a few examples of the types of assets collected by NFTs. Up until this point in the evolution of NFTs, users have collected art and other digital assets only to later sell these NFTs. This NFT evolution took a giant step forward recently when the Nimbus Platform launched the first-ever finance n-NFT. This n-NFT is a tool to generate rewards–a user does not need to sell this NFT to receive a profit. The Nimbus n-NFT will operate as a representation of the assets that a user has placed into the platform. This individual asset representation will in effect form a highly-personalized financial strategy tailored for each user. Rewards will be dispersed in real-time creating fluid yield for users.
Understanding the Nimbus Smart LP n-NFT
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), one of the fastest growing segments of the crypto market, already has a staggering market capitalization of $95 billion by Total Value Locked (TVL). The Nimbus n-NFT provides users with a convenient way to participate in the DeFi market with very little setup required. With the n-NFT from Nimbus, users can get started with one easy click at the Nimbus Platform. Gone are the days of users spending hours trying to figure out how each platform’s NFTs work. The Nimbus n-NFT comes with a pre-built yield-generating strategy that is ready to go from day one.
Nimbus is already working on expanding its n-NFT offerings. There are currently multiple n-NFTs in development, with each being designed for specific financial strategies. When it comes to details on transacting the Nimbus n-NFTs there are a few things to keep in mind. Nimbus n-NFTs will live on the Binance Smart Chain. The gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain, which are commissions on the transactions, are lower than Ethereum and rarely go above $1. Rewards will be granted in BNB, Nimbus Utility Token (NBU), and Nimbus Governance Token (GNBU).
The first n-NFT released is the Smart Liquidity Provider (Smart LP). This Smart LP n-NFT from Nimbus will focus on financial strategies such as lending, liquidity providing, and LP staking using dApps and other tools on the Nimbus Platform. Users can acquire the Nimbus Smart LP n-NFT for a minimum price of 1 BNB, which was approximately $500 as of December 2021.

Nimbus Continues Its Mission of Providing Its Users with Innovative Tools
The Nimbus Platform has long been recognized in the DeFi and NFT industries as a company that fosters sincere user involvement and flexibility in its platform. Nimbus has plans to innovate further within the NFT space with new releases coming very soon.
To understand why Nimbus is building in the NFT space, it is helpful to know a little bit about the company’s values. The mission of the Nimbus Platform is to foster a new society where each person is financially empowered and in control of their assets and their future. One of the natural outputs of this mission and values is providing users with easy and efficient access to the DeFi market, and also traditional capital markets that previously were difficult to participate in.
With the launch of their new Smart LP n-NFT, Nimbus has taken yet another step towards empowering users in their financial futures. The n-NFT allows even the newest crypto users to immediately jump in and participate in the NFT space because the strategy is pre-built and requires very little setup.
Whether you are a seasoned participator in NFTs or if you are searching for your entry point into the NFT market, the Nimbus Platform has options for you. With its new yield-generating NFT, Nimbus has raised the bar for the NFT industry and is now giving users a way to receive yield rewards from their assets in real-time. It’s not surprising that Nimbus is the first to the market with a yield-based NFT given their commitment to putting the needs of their users first. It will be interesting to watch and see how Nimbus continues to innovate in the NFT space in the near future. For more information or to get started with the new Nimbus Smart LP n-NFT, visit the Nimbus Platform today.

🏁 Boxes burning engines: 🏎 ✨✨ 🧬 NFT Smart Staker
✓ dApp NFAT 🧬 (Non-fungible asset tokens):
✓ 🧬 Smart LP (BNB/NBU, BNB/GNBU y Lend BNB)
🔥 🧬 Smart Lender (BNB/NBU, NBU/BUSD y Lend BUSD)
🔥 🧬 Smart Staker (Staging) : 🏎
⏱ 🧬 Smart Trader
⏱ 🧬 Smart Affiliate
⏱ 🧬 Smart Holder
Source: https://www.thecryptoupdates.com/nimbus-releases-the-first-ever-yield-generating-nft/
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