🚨Nimbus Platform (Scam) 🚨Actualmente se encuentra bloqueada tras el robo de las inversiones de los Clientes por David Mazaheri, Andrea Zanon, Patricio Pozzi, Waseem Mamlouk, Jorge Sebastiao, Alex Lemberg y Fernando Martinho
Nimbus Platform continues its international expansion with the best travel companions
The Proof of Trust, the world’s first globally patented smart contract validation and automated dispute resolution platform, collaborates with the Kingdom of Bahrain through KHK Holding, founded under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa. KHK Holding Company has a legacy in a multitude of sectors such as Sports, Media, Trading & Retail, Finance, Medical, Technology and Real Estate.
In 2017, the government launched its ‘StartUp Bahrain’ programme which has led to growth of nearly 50% in Bahrain’s startup ecosystem. Technology spending is also estimated to grow at an annual rate of 8.6% over the coming three years — demonstrating its hunger for innovation.
The Proof of Trust’s hub will meet the needs of the burgeoning tech sector by giving Bahrainis the opportunity to join educational courses run by The Proof of Trust through which they will be able to work for the Company within the region
Sakhib Waseem, Chief Innovation Officer at The Proof of Trust said: “The Kingdom of Bahrain has demonstrated an incredible level of dedication to building its nascent technology industry. As we enter the transitionary period out of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments and the private sector alike are seeking new ways to ensure business continuity to support economic recovery and protect against future black swan events. The Proof of Trust can provide solutions in support of both objectives through our innovative, IBM-backed protocol.
Nimbus Platform DeFi
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One of the products offered by The Proof of Trust is Nimbus platform DeFi for Shariah compliant investment.

Decentralizing Islamic finance
While Islamic scholars have long wrestled with the question of whether cryptocurrency is halal, what if it’s really fiat that isn’t permissible?
Islam has strict rules around finance, and it historically defines currency as commodities with intrinsic value — gold, silver, or salt, among others. Waseem Mamlouk, from the DeFi platform Nimbus, argues that government-issued fiat currencies do not have any intrinsic value and may be incompatible with a careful interpretation of Sharia law. This would pose a problem for the burgeoning Islamic finance industry, which aims to produce financial returns in compliance with religious law.
Mamlouk sees cryptocurrencies as a viable alternative. As the vice president of Capital Markets for Nimbus, Mamlouk is working to have portions of the business certified as Sharia-compliant in order to dip into the growing pool of investors who want their investments to fit with their religious beliefs. While this would certainly bring profits, Mamlouk also sees Islamic finance as a way to promote responsible long-term investing.
Mamlouk believes that cryptocurrencies hold the key to a better implementation of Islamic banking. In short, this refers to financial and banking practices in line with Islamic religious teachings. Of these religious teachings, the central one is a prohibition on riba, generally equated to usury — or charging interest.
With interest being a major part of the current DeFi landscape, Islamic DeFi, which must not involve interest, will require custom solutions. In the Islamic banking industry, Mamlouk explains that bank fees sometimes replace earnings that would otherwise come from interest, but he is not a fan.
Full Article: https://cointelegraph.com/magazine/2021/07/16/defi-can-be-halal-but-not-doge-decentralizing-islamic-finance

“It’s highly welcoming tech and business environment make Bahrain the perfect launch-pad for The Proof of Trust in the region, and we look forward to working closely with our in-country partners to deliver novel solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.”
Mohammed Shahid, Chairman of KHK Holding said: “As pioneers of innovative technology in the Gulf, we are very proud to be collaborating with The Proof of Trust to bring the power of its protocol to Bahrain. Working with The Proof of Trust, we hope to create new technology-based opportunities for our people and further enhance our business landscape.”
Following a busy quarter of expansion, the collaboration in the Kingdom of Bahrain marks The Proof of Trust’s entry into the Gulf region, providing access to the Gulf Cooperation Council’s single market which includes the U.A.E., Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, presenting further opportunities to deploy its disruptive technology across the region.
The Company sees numerous opportunities to drive the adoption of its unique protocol to help governments in the region foster a welcoming business environment, stimulating exponential economic growth.
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