🚨Nimbus Platform (Scam) 🚨Actualmente se encuentra bloqueada tras el robo de las inversiones de los Clientes por David Mazaheri, Andrea Zanon, Patricio Pozzi, Waseem Mamlouk, Jorge Sebastiao, Alex Lemberg y Fernando Martinho
Nimbus Platform DeFi
Featuring 15 customizable earning strategies and being the first globally regulated DeFi institution under a central bank`s jurisdiction, Nimbus Platform serves as an easy and efficient access point to the best of DeFi. Its native utility token NIMB will be listed on LBank Exchange at 8:00 UTC on December 14, 2022, to further expand global reach and vision of the platform.
https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fqwx7q6es-0c%3Ffeature%3Doembed&display_name=YouTube&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dqwx7q6es-0c&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fqwx7q6es-0c%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtubeNimbus Platform DeFi
Nimbus’ mission is to expand access to financial tools and literacy by leveraging innovative solutions in the digital asset and cryptocurrency space. It offers a wide range of customizable earning strategies accessible for any type of user to let anyone benefit from the future of finance immediately. Nimbus platform is a well-known player in the crypto space that boasts reliability and efficiency.
Revenue generating solutions provided by Nimbus include unique n-NFTs as a structured financial derivative product. Smart LP n-NFT gets the assets users supply automatically distributed across Liquidity Providing and LP Staking functionalities, and immediately starts generating rewards for users. Smart Staker NFT automatically generates rewards from two staking streams: with up to 40% APR and 60% APR correspondingly. These products give users ultimate risk mitigation and optimal yields, while saving time and gas fees.
Nimbus Non-Fungible Tokens
Benefit from n-NFT — the first yield-generating NFT of its kind. When you acquire it, the assets you supply get automatically distributed across several dApps and start working for you. This gives you ultimate risk mitigation and optimal yields, while saving you time and gas fees.

Furthermore, users can stake NIMB, the utility token of Nimbus, or GNIMB, the governance token of Nimbus, at up to 20% APR, and choose the most suitable period and type of staking among the 6 possible options. Users can also become a Liquidity Provider for Nimbus Swap to receive 2 types of rewards with up to 100% APY, by picking a pair that they’d like to provide liquidity to, and then staking the LP tokens in the LP Staking. With affiliate program, users can even invite their friends to Nimbus and get extra rewards, bonuses and higher level of APR, including the possibility to win Nimbus NFTs, sell or exchange them via P2P functionality to level up faster.
With Nimbus dApps, one can leverage the best opportunities from both Traditional Finance and DeFi. Together, these dApps provide unparalleled synergies and numerous earning strategies for users — no matter how experienced they are in DeFi. All of it with the highest smart contract security scores and the best digital asset risk management practices.

In order to reward users, LBank will open NIMB Demand Deposit with an annual return of 20%. Without locking, holding coins to gain interest and settled daily. The details are as follows:
Stake NIMB Utility Token Nimbus Platform: lbank.com
Participation Time: 12:00 on January 19th, 2023 (UTC)
Support Asset: NIMB
Annualized Return: 20% (Floating adjustment)
Maximum Interest-bearing Amount: with no limit
Minimum Interest-bearing Amount: account assets are not less than 25,000 NIMB
Participation Method: users need to register the assets in the “Demand Deposit “ page.
Revenue settlement: T+1 calculates interest, T+2 pays interest.
Amount update: The amount of gap from the previous trading or withdrawal will be released at 2:00 pm every day.

About LBank
LBank is one of the top crypto exchanges, established in 2015. It offers specialized financial derivatives, expert asset management services, and safe crypto trading to its users. The platform holds over 7 million users from more than 210 regions across the world. LBank is a cutting-edge growing platform that ensures the integrity of users’ funds and aims to contribute the global adoption of cryptocurrencies.
LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list NIMB on December 14, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the NIMB/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 8:00 UTC on December 14, 2022.
Stake NIMB Utility Token Nimbus Platform: lbank.com
LBank Community:
Telegram: https://t.me/LBank_en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LBank_Exchange
About NIMB Token
NIMB is the new platform utility token which is a key to all Nimbus solutions. It provides access to several Nimbus revenue-generating opportunities with different APRs. The Platform rewards are also received in NIMB. Finally, users can swap NIMB at exchanges.
Based on BEP-20, NIMB has a total supply of 10 billion (i.e., 10,000,000,000) tokens, of which 10% is allocated for NBU replacement, 30% is allocated for CEX#1, another 30% is allocated for CEX#2, and the rest 30% is provided for Nimbus platform.

Nimbus Platform Oficial:
Nimbus Platform DeFi: https://nimbusplatform.io
Telegram Group: https://t.me/Nimbus_Platform_ENG
Telegram Chanel: https://t.me/nmbplatform
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NimbusPlatformChannel/videos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nmbplatform
Medium: https://nimbusplatform.medium.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/zvVjU78f85